- the smallest gallery in town -


Tiny Gallery initiative

The Tiny Gallery is an installation that fulfills the purposes of a usual gallery in miniature form. The project was conceived as an alternative to a typical gallery space after Open House Studio, a gallery serving Accra's emerging artists, was taken away at the end of 2021. Our tiny exhibition space encourages artists to think and show their work in new, alternative ways, and its unique location engages and provokes an entirely new community who would not otherwise have access to the contemporary art scene. Located on the side of a dusty road in a working class neighborhood of Accra, Ghana, The Tiny Gallery serves an educational purpose while making art visible and accessible. It is an important space especially for the youngest generation in our community, having become a reliable source of inspiration and entertainment to the school children who visit regularly on their way to and from classes. The interaction of our community members with The Tiny Gallery creates its own beautiful work of art, reminding everyone that art should not exist only in the domain of a select few or of high society, but  instead ought to be available to every passerby. 

The Tiny Gallery aims to serve as a platform for a wider circle of people by establishing an international cooperation and installing Tiny Galleries in ordinary locations around the world.

Accra Project

Type of art: installation (community/education)

Year: 2022- ongoing

Location: Accra, Ghana


January 2022

Artist: Tjasa Rener

Medium: ink on cardboard and 3D set up

Exhibition Title: Doodle-a door open to the unconscious

February 2022

Artists: Studenst from Bethany Methosist Basic School (age 7/ 10), reflections on our workshops

Medium: markers on cardboard

Title: Sharing love and kindness



Artsist:Rania Odaymat

Medium: recycling material 

Exhibition title: Does your work makes Accra better?


May 2022

Artsist: Moses Ajay

Medium: aluminium cans

Title: Portraits of Kayayei- the woman head porters


July 2022

Artsit: Hanson Akatti

Medium: printed illustrations 

Title: African Heroes 


December 2022

Artist: The Slum Studio

Medium: Ink on Paper

Title: Kumfo Domfo


January 2023

Artist: Ann Laure  Gueret

Medium: photography

Title: Akwaaba Songs

Participation at 35th Biennale of Graphic Art, Ljubljana

Type of art: installation (community/education)

Year: 2023/ 2024

(15.9. 2023- 14.1.2024)

Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia


14.9- 13.10. Ines Sekač in Beti Frim

14.10-13.11. Collective Kvadratni Meter

In the project Construction site, the collective m2 is addressing the pressing issue of gentrification and the erasure of public spaces. By filling the tiny gallery space with debris and dirt gathered from a construction site that was once autonomous zone Rog, which has now become a luxurious space, they point out the consequences of elite construction projects with which municipality is erasing public, green and autonomous spaces and is forever changing the cityscape of Ljubljana.

Collective Kvadratni Meter

14.11-11.12. Mori Sikora

12.12-14.1. Manca Žitnik

As part of the 35th Ljubljana Biennale of Graphic Arts, the work of Manca Žitnik explores features and recent add-ons or plug-ins to architecture that present a passive but constraining character on various bodies. For Manca, there is a sense of deprivation that comes from privatising public spaces in the name of security. Her imagery renders an aspective view of the urban landscape, destabilising the established norms by collapsing it on itself and revealing the degree of alienation in the situation created in these cities with various interesting props and constructions.

In the Tiny Gallery, Manca continues this exploration, this time on canvas. Emphasizing elements of the landscape, she contrasts them with prohibitions and surveillance, which remain omnipresent, even if often overlooked aspects of everyday life, dictating how we move (or don’t move).