A Story From Africa

A Story From Africa

A Story from Africa is the artist's first independent book for children. It is hand printed and hand bound. The illustrations are inspired from sketchbook and were made during the artist first staying in Ghana. They are a result of a collaboration between the children from the remote village, Anyinatiase, and the artist.

The book’s format, 30x40cm, exceeds the format of a classic picture book. The book is printed on 240g/m2 recycling paper and it holds 48 pages. A few pages at the back of the book are blank for sketching. The cover of the book is printed in a relief print (blind printing).

The art book was self-published in 2014 after a successful Kickstarter Campaign.

Detail from Art Book A Story from Africa

Detail from Art Book A Story from Africa

Box of Glory

Box of Glory

Art book object

 plywood, bamboo, batik, screenprint


Detail from Art Book Box of Glory

Detail from Art Book Box of Glory

Kako je vranček Koki postal čuvaj galerijske zbirke

Kako je vranček Koki postal čuvaj galerijske zbirke

Kako je vranček Koki postal čuvaj galerijske zbirke by Katarina Hergold Germ, Book Illustration, The Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Koroška (KGLU) in association with the Cerdonis Publishing House, Slovenj Gradec, Slovenia, 2016


Detail from Kako je vranček Koki postal čuvaj galerijske zbirke

Detail from Kako je vranček Koki postal čuvaj galerijske zbirke

Detail from Kako je vranček Koki postal čuvaj galerijske zbirke

Zaklad pod hribom

Zaklad pod hribom

Zaklad pod hribom by Aljoša Hancman for the Pravljična vas Leše Festival, Book Illustration, Publisher: Mohorjan, 2015

Detail from picture book Zaklad pod hribom

Detail from picture book Zaklad pod hribom